thanks for purchasing the mindful nutrition for the mama-to-be eCourse!
I'm so glad you're here, and am excited to get you started to learn everything you need to know about prenatal nutrition and so much more.
In order to get set up, click here to quickly request a Membership login to my website that I'll approve within a few hours' time:
You'll use this site to view each video, in any order you choose. The additional PDF resources/recaps for each module are also listed here, and are available in our optional Member's Only Facebook group (click the link to request to Join now!).
Please let me know right away if you're encountering any issues with setup or viewing. Feel free to reply to this email, or call/text me at 1-587-889-2831 between 8am-8pm MST.
If you've purchased this eCourse as a gift for someone else, please email me the name and email address of the recipient so that I can be sure to approve her site membership without delay.